For Human Resource Departments: Wud Your Company Appreciate a Health & Wellness Presentation?

Call Dr. Bob @ 801.230.0166 to Schedule Your Company’s Presentation

~  Would your Human Resource Department know how much your company pays for your employees medical insurance per month / per year?

~ Would your Human Resource Company know how much it costs your company when an employee is out of work from back pain for one day?

~ Would your company be interested in receiving at a nominal fee holistic chiropractic lifestyle presentation given by Dr. Bob Seiler, a licensed, salt lake city, holistic chiropractor? Following this holistic lifestyle presentation there would be a Q&A for your employees to ask relevant health questions which could help your company save money and increase their productivity.

~ These days medical insurances are always raising their rates costing you more money – maybe its time for employers and employees to take more responsibility for their own health & well-being.

~ Continuing to pay medical insurance companies for your employees “pain care”, “crisis care”, “sickness & illness care” continue the habit and pattern of staying sick or being in pain. Why not try something novel like taking car of the human body so that it doesn’t become sick or painful? What’s involved in not becoming ill, pain diseased?

~ Dr. Bob Seiler, a chiropractor in Salt Lake City will present to your staff and company the state-of-the-art in healing to help reduce the pain, injury, illness, disease for the people who work for your company.

~ Dr. Bob Seiler, a holistic chiropractor in Salt Lake City can help educate your staff on how they can take better care of themselves in order to reduce your medical insurance dependencies.

~ Please call  801.230.0166, or leave a confidential message and Dr. Bob Seiler, a holistic chiropractor in Salt Lake City, Utah, to schedule your holistic chiropractic consultation; or send an email to [email protected]

To Your Health & Well-Being,

Dr. Bob Seiler – a Salt Lake City licensed holistic chiropractor residing in Salt Lake City, Utah.