Dr. Bob’s Holistic Chiropractic

& Subtle Energy Medicine

* Accepting Cash, Bank Cards, Auto & Some Commercial Insurance - To Schedule or Ask Questions Please Call 801.230.0166 *

Dr. Bob's Holistic Chiropractic @ 801.230.0166

Hello & Welcome,

Being of a empath nature, I tend to feel more the discomfort, pain & suffering in our world.

Bringing this awareness & mindfulness into my work, we can, together, work towards lessening your discomforts & physical pain, help improve your flexibility & movement, help balance & restore your body’s energy to create a deeper sense of your inner Wellbeing, so that you can have a more enriching, pleasurable & satisfying life!  

Through advanced body~mind energy practices & state-of-the-art energy technologies, I would like to offer you my experience, heartfulness to support your journey into a newer Wellbeing.

For a new patient session, or to answer any questions, please call or leave a message for Dr. Bob @ 801.230.0166

Supporting Subtle Energies @ 801.230.0166

According to Albert Einstein everything is Energy, and as Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. discusses in his Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, one’s quality of living can improve with choices that you make in what You eat, your time viewing screens, your time reading & thinking. 

It matters being grateful & appreciative for what we do have in our world.   

When these subtle, vibrational energy fields around & within your digestive, circulatory, nervous, immune, musculoskeletal systems &  when your gut-brain axis is optimally supported, then you can have increased energy, less physical pain, move & sleep better, be less anxious, depressed or isolated, dream better & feel more whole~some.

Come experience the difference @ Holistic Chiropractic @ 801-230-0166  

Awareness & Mindfulness @ 801.230.0166

Holistic Chiropractic & Subtle Energy Medicine supports body~mind healing. You’re body can heal, feel better, when different methods, modalities & environments are received & accepted into what your body needs & wants for that healing.       

This is what Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. discusses in his book, “The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, And Body In The Healing Of Trauma”.

As a chiropractic physician  practicing holistically for some 25 years, he can use his experience, gentle hands, calming spirit & wisdom to help support You in your journey to better Wellbeing.   

Come & experience the difference @ 801.230.0166  


Dr Bob Seiler - SLC Chiropractor

Dr. Bob's Holistic Chiropractic with Integrative Body~Mind Subtle Energy Medicine

Dr. Bob’s holistic energy medicine practice is not your traditional chiropractic clinic. His philosophy is that your entire Being, that of your body, mind & spirit, what you eat, think, dream, what you’ve experienced in all your life and your Source energy has an affect on who you are in this moment. Western medicine can help, but unfortunately, may not take a holistic approach into consideration.

If you’d like to become a patient, we go on a journey together of listening to, and helping to restore and balance your vibrational energies within your Being through acknowledging different physical, chemical, emotional events in your life to help support your Wellbeing-ness.

Dr. Bob’s entire clinic emits vibrational energies through plants, frequencied-music, laser, light & sound therapies, through his hands, heart & mind to help support those energies that provide your healing.

Go through the New Patient forms and see if those forms move you into wanting to begin your journey of healing.

After completing the forms you can email them to Dr. Bob at [email protected]

Dr. Bob has developed a close relationship with nature through his watching and playing on his high school golf team in New Jersey, and in the Pacific northwest where he attended the University of Oregon, and sojourning to Scotland some ten years ago walking on the sacred golf grounds where golf gods & goddesses reside.

From his chiropractic studies at Life West Chiropractic College in northern California, from his Processwork Certification in London with his Processwork studies in Oregon, Ireland & the UK, he offers integrative, holistic therapies, subtle energy body-mind therapies to naturally support your wellbeing, healing & longevity.