Reducing Sugar / Soda / Inorganic Products Can Lessen Pain, Inflammation, Chronic Illness, Disease

Because our food proviers make things that taste so sweet and so good, many people become addictive to those sugars, and as a result create chaos in their brain and bodies.

Inflammation and stress can lead to Injury > Trauma > Chronic Illness & Disease. From different types of harmful physical, chemical and emotional events can lead to pain and chronic illness. Dr. Bob practices chiropractic, holistically, to help re-establish, reset, recalibrate the nervous system of one’s brain, body and mind to better support the innateness (born from within) homeostasis of brain, body and mind. Different disturbing world events whether of war, earthquakes, storms, our environmental crisis as well as our covid times can lead to increasing levels of stress, anxiety, isolation, which will affect levels of pain, injury, illness.

Office of SLC Chiropractor Dr. Bob SeilerHaving a consistent holistic attitude towards Wellbeing can allow to have fewer medical doctor visits, less visits to the hospital, less medications, if you can begin this journey of health soon enuf.

Regular medical check-ups and good lab work are important for your overall and optimal functioning. Lab work lets you know what’s going on in your body before problems become too overwhelming.

We’ll focus on all the systems of your brain and body and determine where you need more support, physically, chemically, emotionally.

Not all chiropractors practice the same way. Not all chiropractors use the same equipment or technology. Not all chiropractors spend the same amount of time with you.

At Dr. Bob’s supportive healing environment, you will have a unique holistic chiropractic experience.