Hello and Welcome!
Dr. Bob’s New Services at Holistic Chiropractic & Wellness: Taking It To The Next Level, Naturally and Holistically
Over my twenty-five years in the healthcare profession I’ve worked with many people with different forms and levels of pain from what I believe comes from the constant physical, chemical and emotional stresses that people unknowingly are exposed to, which in turn lead to oxidative stresses and free radicals in their bodies. These life-long stresses can erode the energy systems of your body and mind, which can eventually be displayed as symptoms, headaches, pain, obesity, different chemical-physical-emotional-mental aberrations / dysfunctions, chronic illness and disease.
Science and research have helped to alleviate many health issues, but before new solutions are discovered new problems are manifested. New antibiotics and drugs will be manufactured, but even the anti-resistant bacteria and our recent H1N1 virus still remain elusive and misunderstood. Such micro-organisms have an innate ability to defend themselves from caustic controls, and perhaps it’s time to employ more natural, less threatening means to enhance a more homeostatic, holistic, body-mind-spirit environment where nature’s reactions can be less provoking, and therefore, more amiable and supportive.
As a holistic chiropractic physician I feel that I can offer the best of all worlds of healing. I can use my hands, heart, intuition and mind to gently optimize the body and mind’s innate internal healing forces, and as a result I can naturally and holistically (that of body-mind-spirit) assist to lessen human pain, aberrations / dysfunctions, illness and disease.
Holistic Chiropractic & Wellness will continue to offer our multi-disciplined holistic approaches, and we will offer the following new services to maximize body-mind-spirit healing integration:
~ Holistically interpret blood-work, hair analysis, urinalysis, stool samples,
~ Measure your oxidative stress, free radical and pH levels to optimize your health and well-being,
~ Ascertain your optimal hormonal, fatty acid, mineral, vitamin D and Co Q-10 levels,
~ Determine optimal amino acid, enzyme, body temperature levels to maximize your health and wellness,
~ Detoxify and purify your food ingestion, and recommend the most optimal and quality of fish oils to maximize health and well-being,
~ New lab work can be performed at your home, or recent previous labs can be holistically re-interpreted,
~ Massage Therapy and Inner Chi Theta Healing is now being offered at our office!
You are welcome to visit our updated website at drbobseiler.com, and click on the Chiropractic Community Education home page link, or any link to explore new natural, holistic ways of healing.
You may also call our office at 801.230.0166 to schedule a new patient appointment to begin a fresh new start!
To a wonderful Spring, finally!
Dr. Bob Seiler – Holistic Chiropractic Physician
Offering Holistic Solutions to Usual Health Concerns
As Thomas Edison said, “…The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease…”
Holistic Chiropractic & Wellness
Dr. Bob Seiler – Holistic Chiropractic Physician
150 South 600 East – Suite 6C
Salt Lake City, Utah 84102
Office: 801.230.0166