The chiropractic profession focuses on overall body health without relying upon drugs or surgery, affirming that an optimal functioning nervous system which includes your brain and its 32 pairs of spinal nerves which travels to every function in your body leads to your optimal health and well-being. Without focusing on medication, chemicals, drugs, surgery, chiropractors seek to help people improve their health by focusing on an optimally functioning nervous system. Maybe that’s why it’s the first system to be created and developed at conception.
The chiropractic profession in Salt Lake City, Utah, focuses on consulting with patients, reviewing the patient’s case history, laboratory testing and analysis, x-ray examinations and physical assessments. When a chiropractor completes an exam, he/she pays special attention to the spine. Spinal evaluations are beneficial, allowing a chiropractor to evaluate the relationship of structure to function.
The spinal column begins with a series of bones at the base of the skull, ultimately ending at the center of the hips. Chiropractors specialize in understanding the 31-pairs of spinal nerves that extend from the brain, exiting through a series of openings throughout the spine. The nerves exit the spine and form an extremely complicated network that drives every tissue within the body.
Displacements of the spinal column are common and can result from an accident, fall, overexertion, stress or tension. Nerve irritations can cause the body to malfunction. Chiropractors focus on reducing this irritation, allowing the body to operation more fluidly and function normally.
Chiropractors focus on the entire body, emphasizing exercise programs, nutritional health, wellness plans and lifestyle modifications that focus on improving mental and physical health. If something it outside the realm or expertise of a chiropractor, they will refer you to another physician or even work in conjunction with the other physician to get the help you need.
Chiropractors, while using holistic techniques, also focus on diagnostic testing, MRIs, extensive lab work and X-rays. Additionally, many chiropractors also utilize acupuncture, electric muscle stimulation techniques, exercise therapy, heat and cold therapies, herbal therapy, lifestyle counseling, nutritional analysis and counseling, manipulation, massage, physical rehabilitation, physiotherapy, stress management and traction techniques.
Dr. Bob Seiler strives to create a mutually beneficial doctor-patient relationship, delving into patient history and trying to help patients’ heal holistically. Detailed problem solvers, chiropractors strive to focus not only on short-term needs, but also long-term goals.
Dr. Seiler’s, Salt Lake City, Utah holistic chiropractic practice focuses on body mind healing, state-of-the-art holistic chiropractic therapies like litecure deep tissue laser therapy and spinal decompression being natural, comfortable, non-invasive therapies leading to overall wellness-of-being in Salt Lake City.