There are a number of successful chiropractic techniques, which focus on improved body health by aligning the spine, muscles and extremities. Often times, neck pain and back pain can cause poor circulation, which ultimately takes a toll on one’s health. Oftentimes, poor posture is simply the result of improper spinal misalignment, a decreased awareness of your body’s positions and lack of commitment in wanting to restore optimal posture. You don’t have to wait until there’s significant pain to make changes in your body! Regular holistic chiropractic care with an awareness of what’s good to eat and not to eat along with the right kind of exercise and even no exercise can give you the health you’re looking for.
Dr. Bob Seiler, a Salt Lake City chiropractor, is a trained holistic professional who focuses on helping people improve their body’s overall health and well-being. The chiropractic adjustment given manually or by The Impulse, Neuro-Mecahnical instrument can be unbelievably helpful to one’s health and well-being. Dr. Seiler takes time and gentleness to see if the chiropractic adjustment can help you. The chiropractic adjustment is not for everyone.
What type of techniques do Salt Lake City chiropractors use? This brief guide will give prospective patients an overview.
- Spinal Manipulation – This technique involves “retraining” the spine and the spine’s muscles to adapt to healthier posture. This often results in increased mobility, helping bring the entire spinal column into harmony and balance.
- Extremity Manipulation – Spinal health is important, allowing the body to function properly, including muscles, organs and mental health. Using extremity manipulation helps mobilize joints and muscles that may be causing discomfort and musculoskeletal pain. Chiropractors use extremity manipulation, helping to restore nerve supply and mobility to extremities and joints that may be negatively affecting the body’s nervous system.
- NeuroMechanical Impulse Instrument – This technique includes analyzing the length of the legs to help determine whether a pelvic deficiency is indeed present. Every person stands differently, bearing weight at different points in the body. Over time, this can cause an excessive build-up of pressure on one side of the body, resulting in one leg being slightly shorter, having compensated for excess weight and gravity. This method helps restore the body by focusing on correcting pelvic and vertebral misalignments, often using The Impulse instrument to set the joints back into the proper positions.
- Thompson Techniques – This method also analyzes the legs’ length. However, this method utilizes a drop table, allowing the chiropractor to gently thrust the joints, allowing for proper realignment. This method allows chiropractors to focus on specific tissues and joints.
- Gonstead Techniques – This technique addresses subluxation, areas where the spine is misaligned and results in a painful pinched nerve. This technique also focuses on using different pressure methods.
- Cox Flexion and Distraction Techniques – This method is ideal for people suffering from severe neck, arm, leg and back pain. Often considered a safe alternative to invasive back surgery, this is can help restore muscles and range of motion in joints, helping bring the spine into proper alignment. This technique can also help reduce headaches, improve posture and alleviate some herniated disc discomfort.