Dr. Bob’s Specialized Training in Whiplash Injury from Dr. Arthur Croft, D.C.

Dr. Bob Seiler, chiropractic physician, Doctor of Chiropractic, DC, attended in San Francisco, California, advanced, specialized training in Whiplash Injury, Biomechanics & Traumatology presented by Dr. Arthur Croft, Ph.D.(c), D.C., M.Sc., M.P.H. of The Spine Research Institute of San Diego (www.srisd.com), the world leader and expert chiropractor, teacher and presenter on The Biomechanics and Traumatology of  Auto Collision and Whiplash Injury:

Module 3 of this advanced training discussed the Narrative Reporting Writing and Practice Development; Principles of Impairment Rating and Forensic Documentation; learning the cutting-edge techniques and rebuttal strategies; learning critical forensic documentation skills and impairment requirements, which was held at the Westin Airport Hotel, San Francisco, Ca. in June 2014.

Module 2 of this advanced training discussed  Advanced Diagnostics, Treatment; Auto Crash Reconstruction Management Principles in Personal Injury along with  Critical History Taking and Physical Examination Skills; Radiographic and advanced imaging including CT, MRI, scintography, PET, SPECT; Electrodiagnostic Testing and their applications in whiplash. Therapeutic approaches to successful management of whiplash and mild traumatic brain injuries; held in San Francisco, California at The Westin Airport Hotel; July 2014. Risk Analysis 2.

Module 1 discussed  Advanced Topics; The Fundamental Science. In depth review of our current state of knowledge of the whiplash phenomenon, including all factors affecting injury risk and outcome, in depth biomechanics, traumatology, epidemiology, review of outcome studies and the common sequelae of whiplash, including brain injuries, pain syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic pain disorders. Held at The Westin Airport Hotel, San Francisco, California. Risk Analysis 1.