Mental/Cognitive Benefits: All Fatty Acids
Omega-3’s are the foundational building blocks of your brain. Low levels reduce neurotransmitter signaling, which can impair attention, memory, and other cognitive functions. Optimal levles improve modd & stress resilience.
To Help Prevent & Heal Injuries: Omega-3 Index, Ratio of Arachidonic Acid (AA) to Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
Musculoskeletal injuries can set off a cascade of chronic inflammatory and metabilc changes that last from weeks to years, if the cells do not generate the prpoper injury resolutionsignlas. Optimal levels promote this resolution signaling.
For Female Health: Omega-3 Index, AA/EPA
Optimal levels improve fertility/reproductive rates, provide for a healthier pregnancy, reduce post-partum deression, and the newborn infant is likely to be healthier and have higher mental scores later in life.
For General Prevention/Wellness: Palmitic Acid
Optimal levels improve fat burning & lean muscle mass, slow down the agoing process of your skin and other major organs, help prevent heart disease and cancer and can reduce the risk of dimentia.
For Sports Performance & Concussion Resilience: All Fatty Acids
Optimal fatty acid levels improve exercise metabolism & endurance, reduce post exercise muscle damage/soreness, help limit brain damage and preservice connections between nerve cells from even small, repetitive concussions.